Monday 6 July 2009

Target 3- Research and Planning Skill Target

The target is...

In my previous media products I have not done as much research and planning to help me with my research into my audience. I did do a brief audience profile but this time my target is to do more research in depth and to speak to my target audience and find out what they would like to see.

The way i planned on achieving this target was...

A way I will do this is by going to speak to my audience personally and find out what they would like to see in my media product. This way I will be able to find out things such as their desired linguistic features.

How I did achieve this target and proof...

For this project we researched current DVD covers. We origianlly decdided to produce a DVD cover for our final AS project. When we typed in Pulse we found that there was already a film called Pulse and that it had a trilogy of DVDs. We decided to use these as a basis and we produced Pulse 4.

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