Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Target 5- Conventions from Real Media Texts Skills Target

This was my target...

Make sure that my media product contains real life media conventions, however possibly challenge them.

This was how I was going to achieve it...

I will do this by researching Dvd covers that have already been produced to decide whether mine would manage in the industry

How I achieved it and proof...

For the DVD cover which we produced we were making sure that we used real life media conventions therefore we made sure that the conventions that we looked at were lighting and writing. The header that we produced 'Pulse 4' we felt would match well with real life media products.

Also after this we produced a two page spread reveiw that would appear in a copy of Empire magazine. We also kept similar conventions with this. We made sure that the font size and spaces between each sentence was kept the same as the Empire magazine and we also included detail such as the editors email address at the end.

Target 4- Post Production Skills Target

This was my target...
Practise using the Photoshop software so that I am able to use it to the best of my ability.

This was how I was going to achieve it...
The way in which I will achieve this target is by producing all of the same details which go on a DVD cover. This could include the certificate rating.

How I achieved it and proof...
I achieved this target by producing the certificate rating logo and also the DVD Video logo. Sophie and I worked together on this by being able to blend our knowledge of using photoshop and also by exploring the software.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Target 3- Research and Planning Skill Target

The target is...

In my previous media products I have not done as much research and planning to help me with my research into my audience. I did do a brief audience profile but this time my target is to do more research in depth and to speak to my target audience and find out what they would like to see.

The way i planned on achieving this target was...

A way I will do this is by going to speak to my audience personally and find out what they would like to see in my media product. This way I will be able to find out things such as their desired linguistic features.

How I did achieve this target and proof...

For this project we researched current DVD covers. We origianlly decdided to produce a DVD cover for our final AS project. When we typed in Pulse we found that there was already a film called Pulse and that it had a trilogy of DVDs. We decided to use these as a basis and we produced Pulse 4.

Target 2- Creativity Skill Target

This was my target...

As last year I worked with a partner and also asked our actors their opinion on my ideas, I will try to develop my own ideas, without relying on opinion of others.

This was how I was going to achieve it...

A way of achieving this target is by producing as many ideas as I can and trying to develop them thoroughly, similarly to how i will practise by producing several covers. Even though I will try to develop my own ideas I may ask for feedback on what I have produced.

How I achieved it and proof...

I achieved this target as at first we were told to work on our own. This meant that I needed to come up with my ideas individually. In the end we ended up working in groups, but this way I was able to go into my group with my previous partner Sophie with some ideas I could present to her. Both of us were able to show ideas in which we managed to merge and make a compromise. An example of my creativity was when taking the photos I asked the actors to kneel on the floor. I thought that by taking photos from a high angle it would add vulnerability to the one character and danger to the other.

As you can see the character on the above looks dangerous due to the glare whereas the character below looks more vulnerable due to the high angle shot.